Sunday, November 30, 2008 (10:09 AM)
oh my goshhhhhhi hate this feeling
it cannot be explained
it feels painful when u think about it
shortness of breath
mind swirling
strength drains away
why why why why
(9:37 AM)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhate mac!!! so damn bloody hard to use
still windows is better
i neeeed photoshop badly!!!! but its so ex T__T
eel... save meeeee
and i can' even view livejournal using mac damn mac DAMN MACC
Saturday, November 29, 2008 (11:33 PM)
that thought of inferiorityeach them i think of it i lose all strength
but yet thinking of it gives me a tiny bit of hope and happiness and makes me wanna do smth crazy
but behind that tiny bit lurks bigger emotions
(11:22 PM)
TODAYYYY went to out with ol!!! hmmm had lunch then went to taka with my bro firstcould only met ol after 4 as she has the deadly tuition -.-
thenn went home then took a cab down to her house and then dropped ourselves off at THe cathay and watched WILD CHILD
hmm actually i think her acting is not bad and overall the show is not bad just that there isn't enough romantic scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!
the ending is so lame
they should have shown more about her and her ex best friend too like how she whacked their asses and all
lalalala thenn we went to NUm i bought a shirt she bought a pair of slips and thats all for today!
OH NOOo thats not all
we went to HV then she and bro bought yoghurt ice cream then after he paid i decided that i wanted to buy too
then he told the giel
"can i add another small cup?"
then the girl said
" all orders on the right"
bloody hell she say till as if we owe her lots of money. cut her pretty face up
fugging zhuai
then i changed my mind hten went to the new house to take a look and played with bill claire and shea
ran around like mad was perspiring!!
hahahha like so amazing lOl
when i move house i must make it an attempt to go jogging
well i MUSt try
although i know i won't LOLLLL
so not fair.. i should have more than him he is a guy why does he need so much. maybe i should book one of his cupboards XD
-as if he will allow me-
his gf will probably store her clothes inside lol
but whatever my toilet is nicer XD
after thattt
went back to hol V and bought yoghurt HAHAHA
then me and ol camwhored AGAIN for just a tiny while then my bro had to go back and study
Thursday, November 27, 2008 (6:53 PM)
as we all grow up we start to drift away from family members
tonight made me realise it.
parents go out for entertainment and kids are old enough to be left alone
eldest brother going for dinner alone maybe meeting friends.
i would go with him but i feel like staying home
maybe i should follow him and keep him accompanied for all the things he has done for me!
as for my second brother, he has his SUPER DUPER precious gf
not as friendly and helpful as my eldest bro
and staying at home almost everyday to study and study
and for me i am tied down with projects and staying home most of the time too
sometimes feel so bad for not joining my family for dinner
oh wells
guess that is the way life is meant to be
to be bitter sweet
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 (11:52 PM)
what would i look like with bangs???
Sunday, November 23, 2008 (11:20 AM)
yesterday night my parents went to a dinner! some enterprise 50 thing award! my dad's company got first prize yipee! congrats!!!! XD the company booked the bar of equinox for the night for the workers and blabla to celebrate! well me and my bros went and i asked olanda along!
hmm the party was SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR boring maybe becuase the crowd if of super different age. lol then ol and i went to the toilet and decided to cam whore since the toilet was so nice! but!!!!!!!!!!!!! she didn't charge her cam so it was dying after like 4 pics? XD hilarious
we went back and sat down ate some stuff an di drank some alcholic drink and i was starting to turn red as you can seee from some pics XD
left for home early cause really too boring, me ol and my 2nd bro were just stoning down there! so! we used my eldest bro's cam and camwhored the whole way back home in the car!!! hhahaha there are some pics in friendster but will post some others..
V (trying to make it look like an arrow lol)

there was a kissing craze in the car well not that we kissed but u know just making it look like we are kissing. yea

fat thighs O.O
kinda dark but I LOVE MY SHOES
i look scary O.O
as i said pink nails are delicious
argh lazi to upload
the end
Thursday, November 20, 2008 (9:24 PM)
haven blogged in a seriously loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong loooooooooooooooooooooooong timei think there are like cobwebs and dust all over my acc XDD
today went out with olanda lols change of plans at the last min. we ate lunch at bakerzin and then went to bugis street to shop! finally shopping with a friend *happiness
we were like walking through the whoooole street but found nothing which was a bit disappointing. expected myself to shop till i drop lol
then anyways went back to orchard area and went to forever 21! yipeee i ought a zebra print dress! it was a size m which is like maybe one or two inches too big but i couldn't resist and this was the last piece out of all the outlets! oh man f only the last piece was a size s then i wouldn't be complaining. anyways olanda was looking for a hoodie inside of f21 and couldn't find so was about to walk out of the store when i saw this jacket and we both bought it XDDD i think it can give me a little warmth in japan? i think it would be a little warm to use in singapore but anyways love the jacket XD today was fuuuuuuuuuuuuun. amazing i spent less than 200 XD too bad olanda's budget was a 100 actually more to 50 cause her mum gave her 50? but i duno why she gave her that 50 if she didn't want her to spend money. so lame. her mum was texting her and saying dun buy this that blabla i think XD