Friday, March 28, 2008 (11:55 AM)
last night i dreamt of DBSK!i dreamt i was in a shopping centre walking ard when i suddenly saw them
then i waved to them and they actually waved back
so i asked for their autograph and they signed and added some cute stuff
i chatted with them
and suddenly i was in the club's tee
and we were actually helping out in their 'qian-chang hui'
i was freaking happi la!
then at the last part where they were supposed to sing i went up
and held 2 of the members hands and
just sang along lOl
then there was a part where mel came up
but oh wells shan't say what happened
what a wonderful dream!!
-happy fa hua chi-ing me!-
(11:25 AM)
today went to daiso and then was walking around and saw this thing that made the shape of rice balls
haha so i bought it and went home to try!
hmm i tasted one..
i think i added a bit wee too much of rice vinegar
and the plum thingy was cheapo stuff from daiso so
it didn't taste so good
hahaha but its ok at least it tasted better with a bit of mayo XDDD

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 (11:26 PM)
old past has been dug up today!!
why did u say those words!!
wavering again after i tried to settle down
what if it wasn't too late
but it is
both tried but..
then i told u
but its too late
u said u wud have carried on that path if u knew
stupid stupid
what for bring it up after so long